Catholic Identity

Catholic Education Western Australia Limited (CEWA) is committed to establishing and promoting Catholic schools to fulfil their role in the evangelising mission of the Church. Catholic schools, in collaboration with families and parishes, prepare young people to live as Christians in the world.
Catholic schools are founded on Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Jesus and his teachings are central to the lives of Catholic schools and their Catholic Identity.
Catholic schools offer a rich religious life to their communities. They nurture and enrich the religious and spiritual formation of students through prayer and liturgical experiences; the celebration of sacraments; faith formation and social justice activities.
- CEWA serves the Church and contributes to its mission.
- CEWA promotes a Christian understanding of the human person.
- Catholic education recognises all people are created with the same nature and origin and enjoy equal dignity.
- CEWA teaches people to integrate faith, culture and life, forming people to be good citizens of the world, loving God and neighbour and enriching the world with the Gospel.
- CEWA is founded on and inspired by Jesus Christ; his Gospel is integral to all aspects of its life and curriculum.
- CEWA leaders have responsibility for contributing to the life and mission of the Church by planning effective evangelisation in their communities.
- CEWA staff give witness to the presence of God through the daily living of the values of the Gospel and the moral and social teachings of the Church.