As party to the System Membership Agreement with Catholic Education Western Australia Limited (CEWA), our school must operate in accordance with the Education, Care and Registration Compliance policies and executive directives of the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia.
CEWA has a policy structure that exists to enact the vision to be a Christ-centred and student-focused community of engaged learning environments, inspiring all to actively live the Gospel. The CECWA Policies and Executive Directives respond to accountabilities to the Bishops of Western Australia, the State Minister for Education and all legislative and regulatory requirements associated with non-government school registration. The CECWA Policies Structure provides direction and clarity on the directives, processes and procedures which govern all Catholic schools in Western Australia.
Catholic Education Western Australia Limited - Preamble
The CECWA Policy Preamble establishes the various role and responsibilities and informs the Executive Directives that must be issued.CLICK HERE
Policies and Executive Directives
The policy statements are aligned under the four the pillars of Quality Catholic Education: Catholic Identity, Education, Community and Stewardship. They outline the guiding principles that inform the Executive Directives.
Executive Directives are aligned under the policy statements. They have the legal force of CECWA Policies. They direct all staff on what must and should be done to ensure compliance with legislation and registration standards and inform ongoing improvement.